Monk~Abbey Retreat
So, what is it anyways?
The hope of having believers get together during the year to read and study formed the idea that we physically write out certain portions of Scripture, like monks. We do sit around in solitude/small groups and write. It produces good discussion on the text, and it forces us to intentionally think through the words. Those who have attended have been very blessed by the deliberate time in God's word. We will also have plenty of time to fellowship around food, games, and good company.
Upcoming Dates:
Mar 14- 16 Serenity Abbey
Apr 4-6 Paideia Abbey
Apr 11-13 Rejoice Monk/Abbey
Apr 11-13 Romans 13-16 Abbey
Apr 18-20 Kairos Monk/Abbey
Typical Schedule:
Friday Typical Schedule:
5:30pm Arrive/Register/Unload
6:00pm Dinner w Introductions
7:00pm Session 1- Large Group & Worship
8:30am Breakfast
9:30am Session 2- Breakout Groups
11:00am Adventure/Craft
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Session 3- Alone Time
3:30pm Hike & Free Time
5:30pm Dinner
7:00pm Session 4- Large Group & Worship
8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Head out to your church
What to Bring
Pillow/Sleeping Bag (on queen beds in the new retreat house)
Journal (if continuing)
Outdoor Clothing
Hammock (if desired)
CM is the perfect place to retreat. The land is quite grand with the mossy rocks, caves, and pines forming a majestic place. Working and studying here over the years has been very wholesome.~Ryan
I started attending Castle Ministries retreats when I was twelve years old and that was almost six years ago! Words can't describe or tell all the stories and memories that I have experienced at Castle. Every single event I attend comes with a sweet community and sitting amongst the Spirit of our Living God. I encourage EVERYONE to go, experience, and learn all about what Castle Ministries is. You will not be disappointed!!
"When I first went to an Abbey Retreat, I was kind of nervous because I only knew a few people there. I was worried that the girls might be “cliquish" which can make things awkward. What a blessed and glorious surprise I had when I encountered nothing of the sort! Every girl there was so welcoming, and by the end of the retreat, we were like sisters! I cannot tell you what a blessing the Abbey Retreats have been to my soul! Being with other girls that love Jesus and each other, and are willing to embrace each other’s differences because of their common bond in Christ is one of the most beautiful things in the world to me! Each time I return from an Abbey Retreat, I am refreshed and challenged spiritually, and filled with such a joy I cannot express. Honestly, they are one of God’s greatest blessings in my life!" ~Charis
"Abbey retreats have seriously changed my life. The life-on-life CM community and the actual retreats have shaped and are shaping who I am. God has used writing out Scripture to write it on my heart. Months after a retreat I'll hear something that reminds me of what I wrote in Galatians, Proverbs, etc. I am propelled to love God more through these weekends. Along with that, I now know girls that I have known for years SO much more. I know their hearts. And now I really care about girls who I wouldn't have otherwise known. All that to say, I LOVE Abbey retreats. I am a different person because of them."~Lauren
I’ve been to countless Abbey retreats out at Castle Ministries and have been enveloped in love since day one. CM creates an atmosphere where you slow down and are able to focus intently on God’s Word by writing it out word for word. Yet you also are given the ability to make new friends from different walks of life. People hearts are knit together out at Castle Ministries and you leave feeling more equipped to handle the difficulties of life knowing the Truth of God’s Word. -Abby